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Manufacturing development based on the processing of hemp fiber

Within the framework of the subproject, yarn and fabric from industrial hemp will be produced in a processing plant to be established in Barabás. In a renovated building in Košice, exclusive household textiles and clothing will be made from hemp linen produced in Barabás from these raw materials.

The subproject will result in high value-added products with a modern, innovative process based on local resources. Raw material produced on one side of the border is used on the other side of the border, which strengthens economic relations between the two countries. In addition, the investments planned in the project will create new jobs.

Project details

Project name, ID:

Production development based on hemp fibre processing (SKHU / 1902 / 3.1 / 001 - FUTURE IN HEMP - FIBER)

Lead beneficiary: Érmellék Centrum Nonprofit Kft., Barabás

Partner in the implementation of the project: D § D GROUP INVEST s.r.o., Kassa