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Processing and employment knowledge sharing program

The aim of the subproject is to collect and share the knowledge needed for the processing and utilization of industrial hemp. This goal is achieved through the training of hemp industry professionals, the development of knowledge contents and teaching materials, and the formation of attitudes. These activities contribute to the improvement of the employment situation in the area and to the development of processing and commercial activities based on industrial hemp.

The intervention is intended to improve the situation of disadvantaged people, entrepreneurs and farmers living in the area. Knowledge gathering, knowledge sharing, joint development and employment based on cooperation between partners and stakeholders on both sides of the border.

Expected results:

• curriculum and training program related to investments in the processing of industrial hemp in Hungarian and Slovak,

• trained professionals.

Project details

Project name, ID:

Manufacturing, employment knowledge sharing program (SKHU / 1802 / 3.1 / 012 - FUTURE IN HEMP - KNOW HOW)

Lead Beneficiary: National Strategy Research Institute (NSKI)

Partner in the implementation of the project:

Association of Nagykapos and Countryside (Združenie Veľké Kapušany a okolie)