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Project closing conference

The ‘Future in Hemp’ project comes to a close.

  • 2023. 11. 28.

As the ‘Future in Hemp’ project draws to a close, an evaluation conference was held in Nagygéres, Slovakia. The conference was organised by the Nagykapos and Vicinity Association in the framework of the FUTURE IN HEMP - CCP (SKHU/1802/3.1/013) project. The conference was moderated by Ms Denisza Lakatos.

Mr Levente Barkaszi from the National Strategic Research Institute gave a detailed summary of the successes achieved by the sub-projects and the major challenges, including intractable problems such as the epidemic and the war.

In addition, Mr Szilveszter Holop, Deputy Head of Secretariat of the Joint Secretariat of the Interreg V-A Hungary-Slovakia Programme, gave a detailed presentation on the successes and achievements of the Territorial Action Plans.

Furthermore, the project partners reported on the difficulties and successes they have experienced.